I've never told anyone this before, but I think I'm a little crazy because I like to tap doorways a certain number of times before I walk through them and I lock and relock my front door 3 times when I leave the house. Does this make me OCD?
Check and Recheck
Dear Recheck:
Like most things in life, there is a continuum for Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms. The symptoms you describe definitely sound compulsive in nature. The question is - are there many others? Do these compulsions disrupt your life? Meaning your employment, relationships, social life, or mood? If not, well, you just have some compulsive quirks. If we put you under extreme stress, I'm guessing these quirks might multiply and you might need to seek a bit of help with them. If they bother you enough to do something about them, you might seek out some cognitive-behavioral help to extinguish the behaviors. You don't mention obsessive thoughts - any trouble there?
Stop by the Cafe anytime,
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